The Directorate of School Education Kashmir has warned stern action against those private schools in Kashmir that demand capitation fees from the parents of the students.
Pertinently, a capitation fee means any kind of donation, admission fee or contribution, or payment other than the fee notified by the school.
Director School Education Kashmir as per the news agency Kashmir News Trust in a communique has observed that various complaints from parents and civil society are pouring in regarding the demand for admission fee by private schools which is totally against the law of the land and a punishable offense.
“Due to change in the academic session in Jammu and Kashmir in conformity with the academic calendar of the entire country as per National Education Policy 2020 the admission time in schools should begin in the month of March and many schools are floating this norm as well.”
The order reads that it has come to the notice that some recognized private schools charge a capitation fee at the time of admission and subject the students and their parents to screen test.
“No school or person shall, while admitting a child collect any capitation fee and subject with child or his or her parents or guardian to any screen procedure. Any school or person if in contravention of the provisions receives capitation fee shall be punishable with fine which may extend to 10 times the capitation fee charged.”
“Any private school which subjects a child to screening procedure shall be punishable with fine which may extend to 25,000 rupees for the first contravention and 50,000 rupees for each subsequent contravention.”
“It Is impressed upon all the private recognized schools of Kashmir to desist from charging the capitation fee (admission fee) and other non-notified fees and avoid conducting screen procedures, and interviews of children for admission. In case of deviance from any school in this matter action under rules shall be initiated to the extent of cancelation of registration of the said school.”
Directorate of School Education Kashmir has directed the nodal officers to ensure the implementation of the order in letter and spirit in their jurisdictions. [KNT]