
Smart City: Street vendors to be accommodated in ‘Vending Zones’


In order to de-congest the roads from street vendors Srinagar Smart Limited has been developing two ‘Vending Zones’ in Kashmir capital Srinagar.

These Vending Zones are coming up in the Magarmal Bagh and Batamaloo areas of the city.

The vendors operating from Hari Singh High Street will be accommodated at Magarmal Bagh Vending Zone while the cart vendors from Batamaloo-Qamarwari road will be adjusted in Batamaloo Vending Zone.

In the past as well, Srinagar Municipal Corporation had claimed the creation of Vending Zones in Srinagar, however, vendors can still be seen occupying the roads and footpaths all across Srinagar city.

Srinagar Smart City Limited as per the news agency Kashmir News Trust said that 150 vending carts have been made for the street vendors at Magarmal Bagh. The plan is to accommodate the street vendors of Hari Singh High Street for which identification of the eligible vendors is undertaken by Srinagar Municipal Corporation.

Further, vending space has also been created at Batmaloo for the street vendors of Batmaloo-Qamarwari Road.

Besides the creation of Vending Zones, Srinagar Smart City Limited has also been in the process of creating an IT-based parking system in Srinagar City.

“The move is to make Srinagar smarter and more attractive and eco-friendly.”

Srinagar Smart City Limited has undertaken an IT-based parking system to ‘Operate and Maintain’ the off-street and on-street parking slots in Srinagar City. Effective parking management is an essential tool to facilitate the efficient use of road space and to ensure free passage for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport, and motorists.

Srinagar Smart City Limited provided this information in response to an application filed by social activist and senior journalist MM Shuja under the Right to Information Act.

Neyaz Elahi

Neyaz Elahi, who switched from Electronic to Print Media is a Kashmir based Accredited Journalist who has written extensively on Kashmir for local, national and international web portals. He is currently associated with Srinagar based News Agency Kashmir News Trust (KNT).

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