IAS qualifier Waseem Ahmed Bhat who hails from Dooru Shahabad area of South Kashmir’s Anantnag district and who ranked 7th in the UPSC examination interacted with civil service aspirants at Ignited Minds Institute here in Parraypora locality of Srinagar uptown.
Scores of civil service aspirants were present who keenly listened to the Waseem Ahmed Bhat.
Sharing his personal experiences, Bhat urged civil services aspirants to be clear about why they want to pursue a career in civil services.
Bhat advised aspirants not to be either over confident or under confident.
“You have to be passionate about your career goals and have to pursue it religiously,” he told the aspirants who are undergoing coaching at Ignited Minds.
“Success doesn’t come knocking at our doors without a relentless pursuit. It requires burning the midnight oil, countless sacrifices, and unwavering dedication. It’s time to leave mediocrity behind and embrace the sweat and grind that pave your path towards greatness. Remember, every step counts,” Bhat said.
Urging the aspirants to avoid all types of distractions, he said: “You need to stay focused even if it takes multiple attempts to get to the desired career path.”
In her concluding address, Toiba Reshi, one of the members of the Management Ignited Minds highlighted the achievements of the Institute vis-à-vis Coaching and Placements. [KNT]