
Protest in Shopian in support of ‘Hijab’

Shopian: Scores of locals after Friday prayers in South Kashmir’s Shopian district staged a peaceful protest against the ‘hijab row’ in India’s Southern state of Karnatka.

Eyewitnesses told news agency Kashmir News Trust that people took out a march in support of the hijab saying that nobody has the right to interfere in the personal and religious affairs of others.

The protesting people said that hijab is a personal choice and one has no right to dictate what one should wear or eat.

Pertinently, the row over the hijab has erupted in  Karnatka where Hindu fringe groups are opposing and criticizing Muslim girls for wearing Hijab. The matter has reached to Supreme Court which is expected to take up the issue in the coming days. (KNT)

Fazil Mir

Fazil Mir is associated with News Agency Kashmir News Trust (KNT) who mostly takes care of online content.

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