
Watch: Ashoora observed across Kashmir Valley

Scholars on the occasion explained the philosophy of martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and the different aspects of the battle of Karbala.

SRINAGAR: Ashura was observed across Kashmir Valley amid restrictions imposed to prevent Muharram processions in some parts.

Ashura is observed on the 10th day of the Muharram month to mourn the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S), his family and companions during the 7th century battle of Karbala in present day Iraq.

Barbed wires were placed in several parts of Srinagar including Abiguzar to prevent ‘Zuljinah’ processions taken out on Ashura.

However, the Jammu and Kashmir Anjuman-e-Sharie-Shian (JKASS) spokesman said mourning ceremonies were held across the Valley, where scholars explained the philosophy of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, and different aspects of the battle of Karbala.

During the first 10 days of Muharram, Muslims, especially Shiites, mourn the martyrdom of grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Imam Hussain (A.S), his family and companions by holding several religious functions.

Processions were taken out in several parts of Kashmir including Zadibal in Srinagar, Magam and other parts of Budgam.

Several religious organizations organized mourning ceremonies across the valley.

Scholars on the occasion explained the philosophy of martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and the different aspects of the battle of Karbala.

President of Anjuman Sharie Shian, Agha Syed Hassan Al Moosvi Al Safvi led a procession in Magam area of Central Kashmir’s Budgam where thousands of mourners were present.

In his message on the occasion of Aashoora day, Syed Hassan Al Moosvi Al Safvi said that the unparalleled battle of truth and falsehood, that took place on the land of Karbala, would live on forever and the humanity would have a spirit of resistance and perseverance against oppression and tyranny.

He said that Aashoora Hussaini is a school of protection and survival of Islam and humanity. He said Islam is the religion of security where human health and safety is the first priority. In the current epidemic situation, the requirements of human health and safety during mourning ceremonies are strictly in accordance with Sharia, he added.

Mourners participated in the procession and remembered the martyrs of Karbala with tearful eyes. The procession was taken out at Gulshanpora and culminated at Imambargah Khanqah Mir Shamas-ud-Din Iraqi (RA).

In Zadibal area of Srinagar, mourners gathered at Kathimaidan and tried to come on main road in shape of procession.

Eyewitnesses told KNT that mourners tried to march from Hakabazar Lalbazar towards Imam Bara Zadibal, police however didn’t allow them.

At Pandrathan area in Srinagar outskirts, a Muharram procession was taken from petrol pump Pandrathan that culminated peacefully at Imambara.

A procession was also taken out at Doonipora Khushalsar area.

Processions were taken out in the interiors of Bagwanpora, Khanka-e-Moula, Nowlari, Nabidpora Hawal, Balhama and other parts.

Homage was paid to Imam Hussain (A.S) and his companions.

Clad in black attire, carrying black banners, mourners paid respect to Imam (AS) and his companions while taking out huge mourning processions at several places in city. The largest Ashura procession was taken out at Zadibal locality of Hawal area in old Srinagar.

Tight security arrangements were put into place in Srinagar by the authorities to thwart any untoward incident. Authorities imposed strict restrictions in Abi Guzar area to prevent mourners from moving towards city centre Lal Chowk.

The reports of Muharram processions have been received from all southern and northern districts of Kashmir valley.

In the deserts of Karbala, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Imam Hussain AS, laid down his life along with 72 other aides, who included his family, children and acquaintances, on the 10th of Muharram. The day commemorated as Youm-e-Ashura.

Imam (AS) along with 72 loyals was martyred by Yazid. The martyrdom of Imam Hussain AS, which teaches the lessons of righteousness over evil, truth, dignity, rights, is remembered by the Muslims across the world every year during the month of Muharram. (KNT)

Neyaz Elahi

Neyaz Elahi, who switched from Electronic to Print Media is a Kashmir based Accredited Journalist who has written extensively on Kashmir for local, national and international web portals. He is currently associated with Srinagar based News Agency Kashmir News Trust (KNT).

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