Sajad Lone seconds the statement of Imran Ansari about Muzafar Hussain Beigh ‘It is a closed chapter now’

SRINAGAR: Peoples Conference Chairman Sajad Gani Lone Thursday confirmed that Muzafar Hussain Beigh is not associated with the party.
“Imran Ansari has already made a statement about him. I would neither add or subtract anything for that statement. It is a closed chapter now,” Lone said while addressing a press conference here in Srinagar.
Pertinently, senior Peoples Conference (PC) leader Imran Ansari recently had said that former Jammu and Kashmir Deputy Chief Minister, Muzaffar Hussain Baig was never part of the Peoples Conference and that what he stated during and after PM Modi’s recent all party meeting last was his (Beigh’s) personal opinion and not that of the Peoples Conference.
Peoples Conference had tweeted about the joining of Beigh after Sajad Lone visited his residence in March this year.
“It is with great pleasure we announce that one of the towering leaders of the state Mr. Muzaffar Hussein Baig is now a part of the party from where he started his political journey. It is a nostalgic and a proud moment for all of us,” PC had posted on its official Twitter handle with a picture showing Lone shaking hands with former Deputy CM.
“He has a very long association with our family. He also started his political career with Peoples Conference. So, as a nephew, I along with my colleagues came to meet Baig Sahab and asked him for my right. He has given me the rights which I duly deserve,” Lone told reporters outside Baig’s Srinagar residence in March this year.
Today Sajad Lone made it clear that chapter related to Muzafar Beigh is a closed one and he seconded the statement made by his party leader Imaran Ansari. (KNT)