
Appreciate the contours of J&K’s Constitutional Relationship with the Indian Union: Soz to Amit Shah


SRINAGAR: Prof. Saifuddin Soz, former Union Minister Saturday said that it is high time for Home Minister Amit Shah to appreciate the contours of J&K’s Constitutional Relationship with the Indian Union

In a statement to news agency Kashmir News Trust, Soz said that Home Minister Amit Shah is free to say what he said recently on our Internal Autonomy as enshrined by the Article 370 of the Constitution of India, the fact remains that the abrogation of the said Article unilaterally is a very big mistake on the part of the Union of India.

“The Home Minister’s assertion that the Article 370 was the root of terror in Jammu and Kashmir is not based on facts. He has not offered even a single fact in support of his assessment.

It is not enough for him (the HM) that he received an ovation from the Prime Minister.”

He said it is high time for Amit Shah to appreciate the contours of J&K’s Constitutional Relationship with the Indian Union. “If this Constitutional Relationship has any meaning, then, the Central Govt. could not have abrogated Article 370, unilaterally.” (KNT)


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