
Srinagar people miffed over unscheduled power cuts

People from Kashmir capital Srinagar are miffed over the frequent and unscheduled power cuts. The problem persists both in the uptown and downtown areas of Srinagar city.

The aggrieved consumers’ said KPDCL is resorting to power cuts in the areas where smart meters have been installed.

Lateef Ahmed, a shopkeeper from Mehjoor Nagar said that for the past many weeks, they are facing unscheduled power cuts.

“Smart meters were installed here a year back and we were assured of uninterrupted power supply. Ironically we are facing multiple power cuts, which are causing huge inconvenience to us,” Ahmed said.

The locals from the Downtown area of Srinagar said that they have been equally suffering due to unscheduled power cuts for the past several weeks.

“There is no power at all. Now we have become used to it. We know, our pleas won’t yield any positive result but still, we want to let the authorities know how people have been suffering due to their negligence,” he said.

Residents of Hazratbal outskirt areas like Habak, Batapora , Burzahama, Tailbal, and adjoining areas and people from uptown areas like Barzulla, Natipora, Rambagh, Ikhrajpora, etc also complained about unscheduled power cuts. [KNT]


Network KNT

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