Short film screened to counter drug menace in Kashmir

By the Directors Anil Singh & Ozge Uyar (Film Maker from Turkey) has come what can be described as brilliance in the form of a short film Aatish –e- Tilism is a 16-minute-41 second documentary which has been screened in English language at Tagore Auditorium Rohtak, in presence of thousands of people.
Despite the beauty prevalent in Srinagar – there is some darkness which has prevailed off late. Darkness that is affecting the Youth of Srinagar- Drug Trafficking and Addiction to drugs, which affect different people in different way. We have shown how a rehabilitation centre is helping the society to make a better life, How the lives of people are destroyed post drug abuse and addiction and ways by which they can instead of hiding behind the bushes – can get themselves to the rehabilitation centres and start a new life. Over six lakh people in J&K are victims of drug abuse, with users of 17-33 age group. Heroin, the preferred drug of choice; a natural graduation from cannabis or charas, is seen as an escape from the mundane.
Drugs affect different people in different way and how the lives of people are destroyed post drug abuse and addiction and ways by which they can instead of hiding behind the bushes – can get themselves to the rehabilitation centres and start a new life.
Post Film Screening – all people have got so motivated and supported the subject by taking an oath “I pledge that I will take all efforts in my capability to make Bharat Drug-Free.”. The event was organized by Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana under the guidance of Vice Chancellor Prof. Rajbir Singh. [KNT]