
District Level Monitoring Committees to be constituted to identify govt teachers teaching in private coaching centres


In a bid to discourage government teachers from teaching in private coaching centres, authorities have decided to constitute teams to monitor and identify the erring teachers and accordingly take action against them under the rules.

The Directorate of School Education has instructed all Chief Education Officers to constitute District Level Monitoring Committees and initiate action against those government teachers who will be found teaching at private coaching centres.

An official told the news agency Kashmir News Trust that some teachers who were found violating the rules have been asked to mend their ways. “Some teachers have been warned of consequences while others penchant for such acts placed under suspension. Any teacher who will be found breaking rules by District Level Monitoring Committees will face action,” the official said.

Notably, a report filed by a committee in South Kashmir’s Anantnag district has revealed that some teachers have been found part of private coaching centres while authorities have enjoined officials to obtain an affidavit from such teachers that they shall not teach in private coaching centres henceforth.

Meanwhile, two teachers have been suspended in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district for the same reason. [KNT]



Neyaz Elahi

Neyaz Elahi, who switched from Electronic to Print Media is a Kashmir based Accredited Journalist who has written extensively on Kashmir for local, national and international web portals. He is currently associated with Srinagar based News Agency Kashmir News Trust (KNT).

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