
Stretched power shutdown in Srinagar areas annoys people


Multiple areas of both uptown and downtown Srinagar have been witnessing stretchy power shutdown, much annoyance to the common to common people.

The long power shutdown has badly hit the water supply as well while other shortcomings of power shutdown are self-explanatory.

The areas that reel under darkness for hours together on a daily basis are Dalgate, Gagribal, Kohnakhan, Buchwara, Safakadal, Shaheed Gunj, Karsoo, Mehjoor Nagar, Bemina, Batamaloo, etc.

Sources told news agency Kashmir News Trust that after a senior political leader apprised the Divisional Commissioner about the matter, a letter was dispatched to Chief Engineer, KPDCL asking him to look into the matter on a priority basis.

Ashaq Hussain Malik Deputy Director (E&S) with Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir in a communique to Chief Engineer, KPDCL (Distribution), Kashmir

has stated that there is a complaint of 8-hours power shutdown in the Srinagar areas as a result people have been facing a lot of inconvenience.

“Kindly take necessary measures to avoid such long shutdowns, for the convenience of the general public and to redress the grievance,” the communique reads. [KNT]


Neyaz Elahi

Neyaz Elahi, who switched from Electronic to Print Media is a Kashmir based Accredited Journalist who has written extensively on Kashmir for local, national and international web portals. He is currently associated with Srinagar based News Agency Kashmir News Trust (KNT).

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