
Health Department forgets to complete work on PHC building in Budgam – ‘Kashmir News Trust #KNT

Kashmir News Trust #KNT

Locals from Hardapanzo Khansahab area of Central Kashmir’s Budgam district Tuesday staged a protest alleging that authorities show no interest in getting the Primary Health Centre building completed.

They said work on the PHC building at Hardapanzoo was started in 2018 but the work was left midway and till date, there is no word from the Health Department about the fate of the building.

“Thousands of poor people will be benefited if this Primary Health Centre becomes operational. The irony is that despite the allocation of funds, the Health Department has been showing no interest to give a respite to the local poor people,” one of the protesters told the news agency Kashmir News Trust.

An official from Health Services Kashmir said that he will look into the matter and take up the issue with the top brass. [KNT]

Tanveer Hussain

Tanveer Hussain is a video journalist working for news agency Kashmir News Trust (KNT) in Central Kashmir's Budgam.

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