
3 Boys Injured After Shell Goes Off Near Encounter Site – Kashmir News Trust #KNT

Kashmir News Trust #KNT

Three minor boys were injured after an unexploded shell went off accidentally near the encounter site in South Kashmir’s Shopian district.

A newly recruited militant Akib Ahmed was killed in Heff Shirmal encounter yesterday.

Sources said that a large number of people visited the encounter spot while three boys sustained injuries after they were fiddling with some substance lying on the ground.

They were shifted to a nearby hospital where their condition is stated to be stable.

Hospital sources identified the trio as Yawar Ahmed Bhat (18), Bilal Ahmad (15) and Kifayat Ahmed (13), all residents of Shimal village of Shopian. (KNT)

Network KNT

Network Kashmir is sister concern of Kashmir based News Agency Kashmir News Trust. Network KNT is a sincere attempt from budding Journalists of Kashmir to present News in its true form without any favoritism and bias.

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