Kashmir News Trust [KNT]
Forests have different kinds of edible vegetables but there is a kind of fruit “Viburnum Foetens” known as (Kulmach) which grows in the forests and is usually found in the forests of Central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district.
This wild fruit grows naturally between June and July every year.
This delicious fruit “Viburnum Foetens” (Kulmach) is not seen or sold in the markets, however, children, including women go into the forests with a Polythene or bottle to collect this fruit between June and July.
“Viburnum Foetens” (Kulmach) first adopts green color in the month of March and then becomes ready Red Purple. Kulmach is an exceptionally healthy fruit with many research-backed benefits, said a local resident Basif Ahmad to news agency Kashmir News Trust.
In addition to this, there are different types of edible vegetables that naturally grow in forests and do not need any kind of fertilization. Women folk bring and preserve it so that they may be eaten in the winter.
Edible wild fruits, vegetables are normally eaten in the rural areas.
When I reached the countryside and tried to get to know from people whether this fruit is good for health or not, people said yes, it is good for health and they have been eating it for decades.
According to a local girl Nadi who had brought this fruit “Viburnum Foetens” (Kulmach) into a bag said that this plant grows naturally in the forests here and does not require any fertilizer.
She said they have been eating this fruit (Kulmach) for many years and till date it has not affected their health.
DR M A A Siddiqui a Research Scholar said “Viburnum Foetens” particularly known as (Kulmaach) is an ethanobotanically important plant species traditionally used as a purgative and also has sedative properties.
Menthol extract from leaf explants was used to determine the cytotoxic and antibacterial potential of this potent shrub. It was observed that cytotoxicity against MCF-7 cell lines gradually increases according to concentration.
The fruit can cause a mild stomach upset if eaten without washing it.