
Appointment of VC Kashmir University: ‘There is a need to expedite the process’

Srinagar: The appointment of Vice-Chancellor (VC) for Kashmir University seems to be a distant dream. On the recommendations of the Search Committee, Jammu University has already got its VC, but the Search Committee that short-listed 12 candidates for the post of VC Kashmir University has neither called the short-listed candidates for interaction nor has submitted its report to LG Manoj Sinha who is the Chancellor of both Kashmir and Jammu Universities.

A top academician told the news agency Kashmir News Trust that there is uncertainty and nobody till date knows the names of short-listed candidates.

Dr Shakeel Ahmed Romshoo, the Vice-Chancellor of Islamic University of Science and Technology is currently the acting VC of Kashmir University. He manages the affairs of the Kashmir University from his IUST bastion.

“It is cumbersome to move files from Kashmir University to IUST. To put an end to the sufferings and problems of the KU staff, there is an urgent need to appoint a permanent VC for Kashmir University,” said an academician.

Also Read: Appointment of new VCs in J&K Universities as per academic, research credentials: LG Sinha

The Search Committee for KU, VC is headed by Dr Pankaj Mittal, Secretary General Association of Indian Universities while its members are Prof Najma Akthar, VC Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi and Prof. Muhammad Miyan, former VC MANUU Hyderabad.

This Search Committee that was constituted in September last year had shortlisted 12 applicants on March 16 out of 130 applicants.

“After candidates are shortlisted, the Search Committee calls them for interaction. After the interaction, the Search Committee selects 3 applicants and submits their names with a report to LG (Chancellor). Chancellor has the final say and it is he who appoints the VC out of those 3 applicants. But after the shortlisting process, no interaction has taken place yet,” said another academician.

Some of the officials said that there is a need to expedite the process and appoint a new VC for Kashmir University so that the varsity functions efficiently and smoothly. (KNT)

Neyaz Elahi

Neyaz Elahi, who switched from Electronic to Print Media is a Kashmir based Accredited Journalist who has written extensively on Kashmir for local, national and international web portals. He is currently associated with Srinagar based News Agency Kashmir News Trust (KNT).

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