Defunct drainage system troubles Bilal Colony residents

Kashmir News Trust #KNT
Residents of Bilal Colony in the Khayam area of Srinagar Friday appealed to repair the defunct drainage system that has inundated the whole locality.
The locals said that for a long time, the defective manhole pumps contaminated water upside as a result the lanes have flooded with water, creating problems for pedestrians, especially school-going children.
“We repeatedly appealed to the authorities but nobody listened to us. The drainage system is completely defunct as the rusty pipes have never been maintained,” a local Nisar Ahmed told the news agency Kashmir News Trust.
Another local Fayaz Ahmed said that they uploaded videos about this faulty drainage system on social media to attract the attention of the concerned authorities but nothing changed on the ground. “We have left with no option but to hit to roads against the concerned department,” he said.
The locals vehemently appealed to authorities to repair the faulty drainage system in the interest of the local population. [KNT]
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