Sheep Flocks Damaging Roadside Plants in Srinagar

Srinagar, Jan 27, KNT: A growing concern has emerged in Srinagar city as flocks of sheep, managed by nomad communities, are reportedly eating the plants planted along the roads, especially during the night hours.
Several commuters have raised alarms about the damage caused by these herds, which feast on the green plants, disfiguring the aesthetics of the city.
Some passersby told the news agency Kashmir News Trust that they have witnessed the destruction of plants, particularly those positioned in the middle of the roads. One commuter mentioned that just the other day, a large flock of sheep devoured dozens of plants near Karan Nagar, leaving the area looking untidy and poorly maintained.
Srinagar’s urban landscape has seen the planting of hundreds of ornamental plants along roadways and in the medians, meant to enhance the beauty of the city. However, these efforts are being undermined by the sheep herds, which often move at night when streets are devoid of people.
Commuters have called for urgent regulation of these herds to protect the hard work of those who tend to these plants. They said the nocturnal movement of sheep in large numbers will severely diminish the city’s green spaces and overall appeal. [KNT]