Employees leaves cancelled in wake of forthcoming Parliament elections in Baramulla

District Administration Baramulla in North Kashmir has cancelled all the leaves and has directed the employees to report to their duties in the wake of the coming Parliament elections.
The Office of the District Election Officer (Deputy Commissioner) Baramulla issued an order on Monday that reads: “Keeping in view the upcoming General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024, it is hereby ordered that all kinds of leaves to the Officers and officials of Baramulla District except leaves sanctioned on medical ground, Child Care leave or for study purposes shall stand canceled forthwith. The concerned officers/ officials shall report to their respective places of posting immediately. No leave of any kind shall be granted without prior permission of this office till further orders. All the officers and officials shall remain available at their respective headquarters and places of posting till the conclusion of the said elections.”
The order reads that any negligence on this account shall attract immediate disciplinary action against the defaulters. [KNT]