Training program on security of VVIP installations culminates at Police Academy

Udhampur, May 28, KNT: Five days training program on “Security of VVIP/ Vital Installations” at Sher-i-Kashmir Police Academy Udhampur culminated on Saturday.
A police spokesperson said that 25 Police officers/ officials from across Jammu and Kashmir, participated in the training program. There were deliberations on different security-related issues to be faced by the security agencies.
Ms. Shaheen Wahid, JKPS, Addl.SP Security Jammu, Nissar Hussain Shah SP, Dy.CO IRP-22nd Battalion, Manjeet Singh Dy.SP Security, Rayaz Ahmed, Dy.SP Security Jammu, Inspector (Tech.) Dharminder Chand, Security Jammu and faculty from SKPA Udhampur shared their valuable experience.
A valedictory function was organized in the Academy, where among participants of the course, senior Police officers of the Academy were present.
In his valedictory address Mohan Lal, JKPS, SSP, Dy. Director (Indoor) SKPA, Udhampur laid stress on the participating officers/ officials, the importance of learning VIP security protocols, advance liaising security measures and knowledge of latest gadgetries and their use. He also laid stress on the participating officers/ officials to share knowledge gained during the training program with the fellow policemen to ensure foolproof security in their respective spheres of responsibility.
The course was coordinated by Tahir Hussain, Dy.SP, Asstt. Director (Indoor) and Inspector Tarseem Lal, SKPA, Udhampur. (KNT)