Kulgam: In a bid to motivate and inspire youth to be job providers and not job seekers, ‘Thames Infotech’ organized an event in collaboration with Government Degree College Kulgam here in South Kashmir.
The young students of the College showed keen interest in the event and lent their ears to listen to the budding young entrepreneur Sheikh Asif’s motivational speech who was the Chief Guest.
Sheikh Asif urged students to find new ways and means to create an opportunity to get themselves to stand on their own feet. He said business can be hard and so is life. “We don’t stop breathing even when life seems hard and that’s why we should not lose hope while facing hurdles when we start new ventures.”

Sheikh Asif said that they are all on a journey, and have all been down in the dumps before, wondering if what they are doing is really worth it.
He said they should do that really makes an impact. “There are so many opportunities. With diligence and dedication, we can cross all the hurdles and make a mark in society,” Asif said.
The students were enthralled after listening to the young entrepreneur who impressed upon the young audience to plan their life before starting a start-up.
“Planning is key to success. Planning means deciding in advance what is to be done, how it is to be done, and when it is to be done. Once you plan, focus on the goal and work honestly and diligently,” he said adding that what matters the most is interest and enthusiasm.
Principal Government Degree College Nazir Simnani was present on the occasion. (KNT)