SRINAGAR: Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Kashmir has reduced the allocation of food grains for the month of June to the tune of over 70,000 quintals.
The allocation of food grains have been deducted citing the reason that all Assistant Directors of the Department have shown less transactions through Point of Sale (PoS) during the month of April 2021
Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Kashmir has asked all Assistant Director to clear their position and reply why the PoS transaction was less during the month of April 2021 despite clear directions from the Directorate to distribute foodgrains through PoS only.
Due to alleged laxity on part of the Assistant Directors, the Director has stated that Administrative Department allocated food grains for the month of June 2021 under which PoS balance ending April 2021 was deducted to the tune of 70204.46 Quintals.
Pertinently, A PoS or “Point of Sale” transaction is made through ‘Adhar Card’. Food Department employees are being repeatedly saying they are unable to made PoS transactions as a vast number of consumers don’t possess Adhar Cards. Directorate is however, adamant claiming that 100% population in Valley carry Adhar Card, a claim always rebutted the employees’ union of the department. (KNT)